Enter the total price of the car, including options: |
Enter the applicable sales-tax percentage: |
Enter the annual cost of licensing this vehicle: |
Enter the cost of the extended warranty, if applicable: |
Will you be financing this vehicle? ("y" or "n"): |
Enter the amount of your down-payment: |
Enter the financing rate (Annual Percentage Rate): |
Enter the number of months financed: |
Enter annual insurance premium: |
Enter the number of miles you expect to drive this car per year: |
Enter the vehicle's estimated Miles Per Gallon rating: |
Enter the local cost of one gallon of gasoline: |
How many years old is the car?: |
How many years do you expect to own this car?: |
Enter an estimated monthly maintenance and repair cost: |
Tax, License, and Extended Warranty Costs: |
Depreciation Costs: |
Finance Costs: |
Insurance Costs: |
Fuel Costs: |
Maintenance & Repair Costs: |
Total cost of buying and owning the car: |
Annual cost to own and operate this vehicle: |
Cost per mile: |